Wednesday 28 September 2016

Night Fishing For Catfish – Enticing Trophy Catfish Into A Feeding Frenzy!

Equipment you will need:

  • Boat
  • Boat Anchors
  • Separate 12v Battery To run lights
  • Night Lights
  • Submerged Lighting
  • Live Bait Keeper
  • Chum bag
    Rod Holders
  • Heavy Bait Casting Or Spinning Rig
  • Insect Repellent

Night fishing for catfish can be a very rewarding fishing trip. Trust me If you do it correctly you will catch fish, not only will you catch fish but some will be lunkers! Catfish feed at night and are very active, and when they get into a feeding frenzy fishing action can be incredible! Catfish are attracted to submerged lighting And have a very keen sense of smell. So If you can locate their nightly haunts you can entice them on to your hook with some simple methods I will explain here. But first you must be setup and prepared for night fishing it is totally different at night then in the day. Things you take for granted during the day, don’t apply at night.

Boat Setup for night fishing

Before you even think about going night fishing for catfish you need to have the following items:, lights for inside the boat,either battery or Coleman fuel type lanterns with two mantles. Set up your lights so they distribute light evenly inside the boat. I personally fish from a 20 foot pontoon and I have 3 halogen battery powered lights hung 2in the front, left and right and one hanging from my canopy in the rear. (I have used my Colemans but they attract a huge amount of insects)

You also will need a secondary light on your person. This light is used for re-rigging your fishing poles. Trust me, no matter how prepared you are before your trip you will loose some tackle, from line crossovers, or snags, or fish snapping your line. (you can limit this by using heavy tackle and making sure your line is fresh) I personally use a led light that clips to the visor on my ball cap.

You also will need a light to illuminate the water surface I recommend 12v halogen light that can be directed outside the boat. Mount it on the side of your boat, in the center. I personally use and adjustable halogen that I can clip to the railing on my pontoon. Direct the light at a 60 degree angle from boat to water. This will illuminate the surface.

You will need a submerged light source. You are probably asking your self right now why do I need submerged lighting? The submerged lights will generate plankton swirls that will attract bait fish. Once the bait fish start schooling The big cats will come. attract schools Submerged lighting rigs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, the one I use is 36″ long about 4″ in diameter. Center the submerged light in the illumination pattern of the surface water lighting you just set up. Anchor your submerged lighting about 12 ” off the bottom, (without an anchor they will float on top of the water).. make sure the light completely submerged under the water. I recommend you use a 5lb weight as an anchor. If possible, anchor the submerged light about 2 to 3 ft from the boat.

You will need a secondary power source for the submerged light, the water illumination light and to operate your aerator pump for your live bait or live well.”do not use your boats power source” This will drain your battery.”you don’t want to get stuck on the lake at night right? If you take a well charged 12v marine battery as your second source it will last through the night.

You will need all Your poles pre-rigged If you have the rigs I would set up 3 poles, per person in advance of getting on the water. The reason I suggest this is because it’s real pain the “blank” To re-rig at night. You will end up doing it anyway, but if you have spare poles already set up, use them first before you have waist valuable time with poles out of the water.

Locating the cat’s nightly haunts

It has been my experience the bigger cat’s roam the shore lines or back waters in search of food at night. Every body of water will be different. I highly recommend you do some research on the body of water you intend to night fish for catfish on. At Minimum Get a topographical map of the area before you attempt your trip. These can be attained at any of the local bait and tackle shops in the area. (I recommend you visit one of these shops to get the local scoop anyway, if you dig deep enough these guys can pin point on the map Where to start fishing. This will save you lots of time.)

Enticing the Cats to your boat.

Once you have your water surface lights and your submerged lights set up and ready to go you don’t even need to do the next step, you are ready to start fishing. The submerged lighting will get the schools of bait fish coming, but I take it step one step further because if you play on the catfish’s extra sensitive sense of smell you can drive the Big cats into a feeding frenzy! OK You say how?

Well the answer is by introducing “chumming”. Chumming releases a slick of dead fish smells and fish guts that the small bait fish and catfish feed on. There are many commercial chumming systems you can purchase and they work very well, but I use a simple very inexpensive method that anyone can set up. First you will need a nylon netted bag that you can close tight. (a good example would the netted bags that you put golf balls in that have a string closure adjustment) This is what I use, works perfect, very inexpensive. Next, get some good size freezer bags, 3 should do for one nights trip.

Next, Purchase about 2 dozen good size chubs and cut them in 1″ to 2″ slices, make sure you do this in a pan that will not drain all the juices. Fill the freezer bags pieces and juice all together, and let them sit outside in the sun all day long. Yes it will stink to high heaven by the end of the day, but that is what you want! Now stick the freezer bag in side the meshed bag that can close. Close the bag tight and tie a line at the bottom of the bag about 2 feet long. Attach about a 2lb anchor to get the bag to the bottom. Now tie a line at the top of the bag with enough lead line to get the bag on the bottom. Now before you lower the chum bag to the bottom take an ice pick, or something sharp that will puncture the bag, but not tear the plastic. Punch the freezer bag numerous times, then lower to the bottom an tie it off on the side of the boat.

Now its time to fish! But before we go there lets re-visit Your catfish rigs. There are many catfish rigs you can use, and they all work in situations they are designed for. When you are fishing at night and you have submerged a lighting setup,you want get your line about 2 ft away from the light source, approximated on the outer edges of the source’s beam.

You will be fishing only a short distance from the boat, so your rigs need to be set up to fish in close proximity to the boat. You could fish tight line with a basic catfish hook and a small sinker. Or use a slip bobber system. I prefer to use the slip bobber system.

I use the single hook rig. Both rigs shown in the illustration work fine but I just have preference for the single hook rig. I do use the double hook rig when fishing for other types of fish. I use all heavy duty, open face, and spin cast rod and reels with 30lb test. When you do get a lunker on your line you want the tackle set up to handle the fight. You miss some smaller cats, but it’s well worth it when you catch your first 10lb plus catfish.

Baits To Use

both Channel and Blue catfish will eat just about any small fish like Suckers, small shad, or bluegills both live or dead. I use both live bait and dead “cut bait” I will normally set one pole up with a small live gill no more that 3inches in length. My other poles will be baited with cut bait, normally LARGE suckers 6″ or longer cut in 1″ to 2″ chunks.

Now Bait your rigs,Get Your Boat Setup and get ready for an exciting Night fishing for Catfish Trip! Once you catch a lunker 10 pounder + You will be Hooked for life! So have fun and good luck!

Source by Mark Fleagle


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15 Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logics

15 Hilarious Examples Of Cat Logics More

Source by valbrett


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Posted by aymen_bet on 2015-01-24 15:07:59

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How To Keep Your Cat Happy!

September is Happy Cat Month! – There’s more to keeping your cat happy than simply giving them a new box every now and then… If you really want to make …



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Everybody Poops – What Your Poop May Be Trying to Tell You

I have to admit up front, this is going to be the crappiest article I’ve ever written.

You see, as I was walking my dogs Marty and Rosie the other day, it occurred to me that poop plays a huge role in my life. I’m not afraid to admit it. I pick up after my dogs every day, I scoop my cat’s litter box every day (OK, not EVERY day, but it certainly feels that way), and I talk with my clients about their bowel movements. In fact, while I was in India this past summer, poop was actually the number one topic of conversation between my colleagues and me, as we compared notes on who had diarrhea and who was still healthy. I even remained on “poop watch,” for several weeks after my return to the States, making sure that everything was OK (and thankfully, it was!)

So, if you are a pet owner, parent, health care professional, or world traveler, you probably know what I mean!

But many people don’t get to talk about poop as much as I do. I know this because when I ask people about their poop, I often get blank stares and uncomfortable looks. So, I let’s talk about all of the questions that people want answered but are usually afraid to ask. After all, your poop is an important indicator of your overall health!

What is Poop?

Have you ever wondered what poop actually is? About 75% of your average poop is water, although this will vary depending on the person. Water is absorbed out of fecal material as it passes through the large intestine, so the longer you take to “go,” the drier your poop will be.

The remaining 25% is comprised of dead bacteria that helped us digest our food, living bacteria, protein, undigested food residue (also known as fiber), waste material from food, cellular linings, fats, cholesterol, salts, protein, and substances released from the liver and the intestines (such as mucus).

What Makes a Healthy Poop?

Your feces are a clear indicator of the health of your gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Mehmet Oz says, “At the end of the day you can analyze your body really effectively by looking at what comes out of your body.”

So what should you look for? A healthy poop will be:

  • Golden brown, which is due to pigments formed by the bacteria in the gut and bile from the liver. You want to make sure the color is normal because that tells you a lot about what’s going on in your gastrointestinal tract (more on color below).
  • Formed into one long shape. Dr. Michael Levitt, an Australian colorectal surgeon who has written a book called The Bowel Book, says that the healthy human stool resembles the shape and consistency (although not the same color) of an unripe banana. Dr. Oz says ” You don’t want [pieces].” Some experts disagree, saying they don’t have to be well- formed. Patrick Donovan, N.D., a naturopath in Seattle, WA says “Stools don’t have to be well- formed logs. They can disperse in the toilet water; they can break down.”
  • Nearly odorless.
  • About 1 to 2 inches in diameter and 18 inches long.

What About Other Colors?

Sometimes we don’t see that “golden guru,” and are faced with something else instead. Here’s some insight into what those other colors might mean.

  • Black: Feces can be black if dried blood is present in it from internal bleeding in the upper digestive tract. See a doctor if this is the case.
  • Very Dark Brown: Drinking wine the night before may result in dark brown poop. This could also be the result of eating too much salt, or not enough vegetables.
  • Yellow: One condition that can cause yellow poop is an infection known as giardia, a dangerous infection that can spread to others. Another cause of yellow poop may be a condition known as Gilbert’s syndrome. See your doctor if you are consistently seeing yellow poop.
  • Green: Babies often have green poop when they are given food for the first time. Children may have green or blue poop from certain illnesses or from ingesting food colorings. Adults may also have green poop if they eat large amounts of green, leafy vegetables or if they eat large amounts of foods with green food coloring. Light green poop may indicate excessive sugar in the diet. Green feces can also occur with diarrhea if bile salts pass through the intestine unchanged. Again, see a doctor if you are concerned!
  • White/pale: Feces can appear white or pale after drinking barium sulfate, which is often given to patients getting an X-ray of the digestive tract. A white or pale stool may also be an indication of problems with the gallbladder or liver.
  • Red: Bright red in the feces may be indicative of active bleeding, possibly the result of hemorrhoids. A magenta color may result form eating intense red food coloring, or red foods such as beets.

How Often Should I Poop?

Ah – the big question! Experts disagree on how often a person should poop. The National Institute for Diabetes, Kidney, and Digestive Diseases says three times a week is normal and healthy for some people. According to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, once a day is ideal. Other experts advocate once or twice a day, while still others say a person should have a bowel movement within two to three hours of a major meal- -or two to three times a day. So you can see that it really depends on who you talk to. My personal opinion is that you above all want to be regular in your pooping schedule, and that one poop a day is ideal.

When someone poops four times a day or more and the poop has a liquid consistency, this is referred to as diarrhea. When someone poops less than two or three days a week and the poop is hard, dry, and difficult to pass, this is known as constipation.

What’s the Deal with Corn?

It’s funny, so it’s OK to laugh. But most people I know have experienced it and they ask why it is that when you eat corn, the next time you poop there it is again! There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that most of us do not thoroughly chew our food. Another interesting tidbit I’ve learned that there is an outer coating on corn that is made up of indigestible cellulose. This outer coating slips off the inner kernel and, since it’s indigestible, passes through the gut intact. It then emerges looking like a whole kernel, even though it’s just the outer skin. The inside of the kernel is starchy and digestible, and that is the part that we succeed in chewing and digesting.

Well, hopefully you know now a lot more about this important topic. And that’s the scoop on poop!

Source by Julia Kalish


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mommy & baby #cat #kitten

mommy baby #cat #kitten – Click image to find more animals Pinterest pins

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Posted by Danny VB on 2016-02-18 13:17:36

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This Man Cares for Cats Left Behind in War Zone and Will Stay with Them No Matter What Happens

When people left the devastated war zone in Aleppo, Syria, the cats there found their way to a man who stayed behind with them and gave them a second chance at life.


Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

“When people left, the cats started coming to me,” Mohammad Alaa Jaleel told

BBC News


The city of Aleppo has been a dangerous battleground since 2012. Approximately

40,000 people

have fled the city in hopes to save their lives.

Alaa couldn’t leave because he had many precious lives that depended on him. In the beginning, he found about 20 cats left behind by families that fled the area. He cared for them along with the stray cats that he had rescued.


Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

A year later, the number of animals amounted to over 100. He founded a sanctuary,

Il Gattaro d’Aleppo

, so the kitties could have a place to call home.

As more residents left the city, he continued to find more cats that needed someone to care for. Now he’s known as “the cat man of Aleppo.”


Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

A little girl came to him with a kitten.

“She cried as she handed her over to me and they left the country,” Alaa




Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

The girl missed her cat terribly and asked Alaa to send her pictures of her beloved cat. So he did.

“Please promise to return my cat back to me when we come back,” the girl said to Alaa.


Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

Most people have left the city including Alaa’s friends, so the cats have become his family.


Nobel Peace Prize to Alaa

“I’ll stay with them no matter what happens,” he said. “Someone who has mercy in their heart for people, has mercy for every living thing.”

Watch video: the cat man of Aleppo, who looks after more than a hundred stray and abandoned cats.

“I’ll stay with them no matter what happens!”

Share this story with your friends. Follow Alaa’s

rescue efforts on Facebook

. (h/t:



Related story:

Man Rescues Two Kittens from Drowning in Oil Spill

Source link


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Funny Cats Compilation 2016 | Cat fails 2016 | Funny pets #9

Funny Cats Compilation 2016 | Cat fails 2016 | Funny pets #9 Subscribe!



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How to Get Your Girlfriend Back – Avoiding the Twelve Biggest Breakup Mistakes and "Pet Cemetery"

In this article I will be introducing you to “Pet Cemetery Persuasion” and why it is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to salvage a relationship. Learning the differences between this faulty type of persuasion and the more elegant methods will not only help you get your girl back but ensure that the two of you have a happy and successful future together. Also, towards the end of this article, we will be discussing the twelve biggest breakup mistakes I see guys make time and time again and why it’s so important to avoid these deadly blunders.

During a breakup, it’s very common for guys to use a variety of persuasion techniques to convince their girlfriends to take them back. Unfortunately, most of the techniques that they attempt to use are detrimental to re-establishing a happy relationship. One such technique is referred to as “Pet Cemetary Persuasion.” This is a blanket term for when someone uses guilt, threats or any other persuasion strategy that makes others feel forced into doing something against their will. This usually results in negative consequences for the persuader.

It is easiest to explain Pet Cem by using a conversational example. And although this article is written from a man’s perspective, I feel that it is helpful to examine some of the mistakes that women make in relationships, as well. In the following conversation, Lisa is doing her best to persuade her husband, Joe, to accompany her to the most dreaded of all places: his mother-in-law’s.

Lisa: “Joe, my mother just called and wants to make dinner for us tomorrow. We need to be there by six at the latest so make sure you get home from work on time.”

Joe: “What are you talking about? The guys are coming by for poker tomorrow. You know Friday is poker night.”

Lisa: “Well, my mother wants us there, so you’ll have to cancel your game.”

Joe: “Honey, you can’t tell me the night before that you made other plans for us. I have seven people showing up tomorrow. I can’t just cancel on them last minute. We can go to your mother’s on Saturday.”

Lisa (becoming angry): “We haven’t been to her house since Christmas and all she does is ask about you. I’m sick of making excuses for why we never visit. It’s important to me that we see her and if you love me, it should be important to you, too. Why is it so hard for you to show that you care about me?”

Joe: “I do care about you and it is important to me. But the point is that you’re forcing me to change my plans at the last minute. We can see your mom some other day. It’s no big deal.”

Lisa (about to explode): “Damn it, Joe. It is a big deal but you just can’t get it through your head. Well, maybe this will help. Call your friends right now and tell them that the game is cancelled. And if you don’t finish those calls in the next ten minutes, your poker buddies will never be allowed to set foot in this house ever again. Until you start showing me some respect, I have to treat you like a little boy. Now go pick up the phone.”

Joe (storming off): “Ok, fine.”

Lisa just made some serious persuasion mistakes in the above example. Were you able to pick them out? If you are somewhat unsure about where she went wrong or have ever found yourself in a similar verbal exchange with someone, you need to pay close attention to the rest of this chapter.


Pet Cemetery Persuasion falls under the category of what persuasion expert “Doktor Sulo” refers to as “one-shot persuasion.” This term comes from the world of sales and is used to differentiate the selling methods used with a customer whom you will only be dealing with once, and the methods of “long term persuasion,” which are used when it’s best to foster a long-term buyer-seller relationship.

For instance, a used car salesperson will usually pitch his prospects in a different way than would a financial advisor. The car salesperson might use certain techniques to engage his prospect’s emotions, bring them to a fever pitch and take advantage of their current emotional state. He won’t have to worry much about how he’ll be perceived by his customer in the future because he knows they will probably never see each other again. This can increase the temptation to resort to deceitful or unethical sales practices.

The financial planner, however, will be in touch with his clients over a long period of time, so it’s in his best interest to create a long-term positive perception of himself which will help to ensure repeat business. The difference between these two methods is equivalent to chopping a tree down to get at the apples, and using a ladder so you can pick the fruit each season for years to come.

When it comes to romantic relationships, it makes obvious sense to think of your partner as someone with whom you would want to foster long-term rapport. And just like a smart financial planner, you need to keep in mind that all your persuasive efforts should result in a win-win situation for both parties. If not, you will eventually have to deal with some serious buyer’s remorse.

Sadly, it seems that people use all sorts of sneaky tactics to get what they want from their partners and then act surprised when they have to deal with the backlash. How do you act when things aren’t going your way? Do you nag, whine, chastise, place blame, withdraw, berate, or belittle? These are all examples of Pet Cemetery Persuasion.

The name for this concept was inspired by a popular Stephen King book entitled, “Pet Cemetery.” And just in case you haven’t read it (or seen the movie) here is the gist of what happens:

A woman has a cat she loves very much. While she is away on vacation the cat is killed. Her husband becomes distressed over the situation and looks for a way to fix the problem before his wife returns.

Somehow, he hears about an old Indian burial ground not too far from where he lives. It is rumored that whatever is buried in this sacred ground comes back to life. Of course, the man is skeptical, but he decides it can’t hurt to give it a shot and see what happens.

Before he can make it to the cemetery, an old Indian approaches the man and warns him about his course of action. The Indian says that while things buried here do come back to life, they will never be the same. But the man fails to heed this advice, and buries the cat regardless. A few days later, the cat returns to the house looking a little dirty, but otherwise in great shape and the man is thrilled. He thinks that the cat is back just as it was before and that his wife will never realize what had happened.

But as the days pass, the cat starts to change. It becomes more rabid and demonic and attacks anyone who comes near it.

When his wife returns, she is happy to see “Fluffy” alive, but her happiness is short lived; her son is struck and killed by a truck a few days later. Her husband refuses to accept the loss of their child and decides to bury their son in the Pet Cemetery, without his wife’s knowledge. But this time, when little Junior comes back to life, he goes on a vicious killing spree which leaves his mother dead and his father barely alive.

While this is a rather macabre example, having a strong visual in mind will make it much easier to understand this next principle: When you try to coerce someone to do something against his will, (while he is completely aware of it), you are metaphorically smacking him over the head with a shovel and burying him in the Pet Cemetery. He may seem fine at first, but you had better sleep with one eye open. He’ll be back shortly to say hello.

Remember the conversation between Joe and Lisa? Let’s take a look at what happens the day after their argument:

On the way home from Lisa’s mother’s house:

Lisa: “It was really nice to see mom again. I think she was happy to see us too. Wasn’t the food fantastic?”

Joe: (silence)

Lisa: “Honey?”

Joe: (grumbling) “Yeah. Wonderful.”

Lisa: “What’s your problem?”

Joe: (furious) “I went to your dinner and you’re still whining? What the hell is the matter with you? All you do is nag and complain!”

Lisa (confused and getting angry herself): “Why are you yelling at me? I thought we had a nice time tonight and now you’re starting in on me for no reason!”

Joe: “No reason? Are you completely out of your mind? Just shut your mouth and let me drive!”

This is an example of what happens when you allow yourself to get caught up in negative emotions and lose sight of the bigger picture. When Joe refused to grant Lisa’s request, she blew her stack and dragged poor Joe, kicking and screaming, to the Pet Cemetery.

Lisa had plenty of other persuasive options available to her, although she might not have been aware of them. However, many people who don’t know how to properly handle their anger and frustration will resort to Pet Cem tactics because they will be oblivious to the end result of these methods while easily satisfied by the immediate gratification of their short-term results. In other words, the quickest and easiest path to getting their way is the one they will choose.

For Lisa, her first attempt at Pet Cem was to use guilt as a weapon. Instead of listening to the valid reason Joe had for not wanting to cancel his game, Lisa accused him of not caring about her. When Joe still refused to budge, she started using threats to get her way. Under this kind of pressure, Joe had no choice but to concede and Lisa got the result she was looking for. Things returned to normal shortly after…

…or did they? What Lisa didn’t notice was the growing resentment that Joe was harboring. It took a full day to brew and then completely exploded in her face when she least expected it. “Hi honey. It’s me, Joe… back from the dead.”

While there are many variations of Pet Cem behaviors such as yelling, threatening, or begging, I feel that the most dangerous is using guilt to get what you want. It’s no secret that most women are attracted to strong men and using guilt as a weapon is the tactic of the weak and needy. But sadly, it also seems that guilt is usually the first method people resort to when they can’t seem to get their way, such as Lisa did in the above example.

Now sometimes these strategies will work. Just remember that whether you beg like a little child to gain her sympathy or threaten to put her X-rated videos on the internet, the end result is that your girl will feel coerced and will start to resent you, which is not something you need in your relationship.


Many people may not realize that there is a huge difference between persuasion and coercion. Persuasion makes people feel good when they do what you want, whereas coercion is the evil twin of persuasion. It’s the equivalent of getting people to do your bidding at gunpoint. In this case, you use a mental gun like a “guilt gun” or a “blame gun” but it’s still a weapon pointed right at their heads. While they may do what you want, they will not feel good when they do it. It will be like having to change someone’s bed pan; you’ll get it done because you have to, but you’ll be dragging your feet the whole way.

Using this kind of manipulation strategy during a breakup (or before things get too far gone) can keep a relationship going but it completely destroys the spark (the attraction) which is the foundation for everything that you have. The Pet Cemetery is such a great metaphor because at first glance, you think everything’s great because your relationship is alive and well, but upon closer inspection you realize that things have changed drastically and your partner is just a poor replica of who she was before. Your goal after a breakup should be to get the same person back that you used to have, not to turn them into a whole new person who hates your guts.

Think of a time when you felt forced into making a decision that you were reluctant to make. How did you feel about the situation? More importantly, how did you feel about the person who was using a manipulation strategy? Is this the way you want your girl to feel about you?

Here’s a more extreme example that illustrates Pet Cem clearly, albeit rather graphically:

Many years ago, I was watching an episode of the show “America’s Most Wanted.” This particular episode featured a beautiful twenty-five year old blond named Samantha who was dating a twenty-seven year old successful gym owner named Hans. They enjoyed a great relationship which progressed to a discussion about marriage. Hans decides that he wasn’t ready to get married, but still wanted to be with Samantha. Samantha wasn’t having it.

Eventually, she gave him an ultimatum: “If you don’t marry me, I’ll go find someone else who will.”

Hans didn’t balk and continued to put the marriage off. So Samantha, frustrated, ran to Hans’ best friend, Jack, and told him her woes. Jack comforted her by calling Hans an idiot and saying how any man would consider himself lucky to be her husband. The two continued to talk to each other over several weeks and began to form an intimate relationship. Less than a month later, the two (Jack and Samantha) got married.

Hans was completely distraught and in shock over the double betrayal. Not yet content, Samantha went ahead and poured salt in his wounds by expressing her total satisfaction with Jack. This led to several confrontations between the two men and Jack warned Hans to stay away from his wife.

A few weeks went by. Hans finally called Samantha and threatened to kill himself if she didn’t come back to him. Samantha, touched by this confession, expressed her remorse over what had transpired. She realized that she had made a mistake because she had loved Hans all along.

This led to one last confrontation between Jack and Hans. But this time, exchanging words was not enough for Jack, so he took it a step further by hiring a hit man to kill Hans. Jack is now on the run from the law for the murder of his best friend.

In a televised interview, Samantha expressed how she had always wanted to be with Hans. “While Jack was fun to be around,” she said, “I knew it wouldn’t last because my heart belongs to Hans.” Choking back tears, Samantha’s final words were, “And now I have nothing. I hope they catch Jack and prosecute him for what he did.”

Samantha had desired Hans all along. But when things weren’t going her way, she tried to bury her relationship in the Pet Cemetery to get what she wanted. In actuality, her strategy did work to some degree and maybe if Hans wasn’t killed their relationship would have seemed normal again, for a little while at least. But it never would have been the same.

This sort of thing happens all the time, often in a less extreme way but with similar results. Typically, Pet Cem behavior will rear its ugly head after a person has tried numerous ways of getting what they want but to no avail. It’s usually a very effective method, since it attempts to persuade by taking away something that a person holds emotionally dear to them. However, it’s nothing more than a behavioral padlock that restricts a person’s choices to the extreme.

So remember that anytime someone feels coerced against their will, it’s a result of someone using manipulation as opposed to persuasion. And since this can be extremely detrimental to a continued positive relationship, you always need to look upon these inferior methods as the equivalent to selling your soul to get what you want; while it may seem like a victory, the person you manipulate will lose all respect for you, and once that’s gone you’ll have nothing left.

This is even more dangerous when it happens with a girlfriend or ex. I truly believe that women need to feel a deep sense of respect towards their partners to be fully satisfied in a relationship and any harbored resentment will eventually eat away at that respect until it is completely consumed. So beware of turning your girl into an evil “Fluffy” who will be secretly waiting for the right time to claw your eyes out.


If you are currently experiencing a recent breakup, the first thing you must do is look over the following list of major mistakes and notice if you’ve been using any of them unknowingly, along with making any Pet Cemetery mistakes as well. Of course, the next thing to do is to stop these behaviors immediately. These mistakes are brutal relationship killers and need to be avoided like the plague. Here are the top twelve:

1. Refusing to “Shut Down the Town” from the very beginning of the breakup

While it may at first seem counter-intuitive, it’s the most important part of this strategy and acts as a foundation upon which everything else is built. The best course of action right now is to stop taking her calls, stop talking to her friends, and avoid seeing her in person.

2. Being too nice and understanding. Telling her things like “I will wait for you,” kissing her ass, etc.

If you have ever studied the science of Behaviorism, you will realize that the best way to train an animal to behave correctly is by rewarding the behaviors you want more of and ignoring the behaviors you would like extinguished. Obviously, the very act of breaking up with you is faulty conduct and by being kind, understanding and “giving her time,” you are rewarding her behavior and tossing the bad dog a biscuit.

3. Loving 100% to get your lover back

This strategy, which one relationship expert advocates, is in the same vein as mistake number two. This person recommends, in a nutshell, being as sweet as pie to your girl no matter how badly she treats you while also letting her know that you’ll wait as long as it takes.

While this strategy may work once in a while, you are completely emasculating yourself in the process. Even if your girl decides to eventually take you back, she will have lost a tremendous amount of respect for you which will prevent the relationship from lasting. Remember that how she takes you back is more important than when she takes you back.

4. Displaying neediness

The first three mistakes all fall under the umbrella of neediness. This is when your true feelings for your girl, as well as your respect for yourself, become completely overshadowed by desperation and misery. A lot of people actually misconstrue the feelings that their neediness creates for actual love. I will do my best to explain this in depth later on, but for now please realize that there is a huge difference between the two. Showing neediness is one of the biggest killers of attraction and must be avoided at all costs.

5. Losing your temper

Not being in control of your emotions, including your anger, is another major mistake. When someone knows exactly how to push your buttons to elicit an emotional reaction out of you, they are holding a remote control for your brain which not only makes you lose a tremendous amount of power but allows you to be easily manipulated.

Remember that there is a time and place to blow up and let yourself yell and scream. But you must decide when that time is and not just haphazardly respond to situations without conscious choice. In other words, you must be in control of your emotional state and be the one who chooses which emotions you display and at which times.

6. Refusing to date other women

Never underestimate the power of the jealousy card. A woman will feel much differently about a man who is in the field scouting for new women than she will about a man who sits home with his buddies each night and drinks his life away. There should be no excuse that keeps you from constantly prospecting, and by disregarding this important step you are artificially inflating your girl’s market price.

I need to make a very important distinction between doing this the right way and using it as a Pet Cem maneuver. You do not want to use other women as weapons, period. If you throw it in your girl’s face that you are dating (or sleeping with) other women (either during the breakup or after the two of you are back together), it becomes a cheap Pet Cemetery tactic that can easily backfire. However, if you keep it a secret and she finds out through other sources, it will usually have a strong effect. The act of you not flaunting it makes it that much more powerful.

The only time you should bring up your exploits in conversation is if she asks you directly. Then, you can tell her honestly that you’ve been seeing someone. Any faltering here looks like you are hiding something. As long as you say it matter-of-factly and are not seeking a reaction from her, this can easily make her very jealous.

7. Not having a detailed plan

Going into a breakup without a clear-cut plan is like parachuting into the jungle, in the midst of a war, without a map or compass. Things can get ugly out there and the last thing you want to worry about is having to find your way out of the bush once your emotions start clouding your judgment; one wrong move can lead you into enemy territory where you’ll be left emotionally captured, locked up and tortured for years to come.

Also, a plan helps you stay consistent with your original intent and this consistency is very powerful. A lot of guys will attempt to stick with one approach, but then do the complete opposite when it fails. For example, they may start off by begging their girls to reconsider, and when that doesn’t work, they may resort to threats and other malicious behavior. Unfortunately, most girls can see right through this sort of manipulation strategy and will immediately distance themselves from the manipulator.

8. Not having a strategy to deal with the emotional pain

Let’s face it. A breakup can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences in your life, and sometimes the pain just gets to be too much. At this point, many guys look for any way out, even if it means giving up their pride, self-respect, manhood, etc. Our girls fell in love with us in the first place because of these traits, and laying them down in the line of fire while waving a white flag is not going to have your sweetie come running to clean off your wounds. Why would she? You’re no longer the man she used to love.

To prevent all this from happening, you must have the proper tools on hand to deal with the mental pain that may come up. Thankfully, I have compiled the most advanced forms of mental medicine known to man and will be teaching them to you step by step. These will make the difference between forcing yourself to follow the “Get Your Girl Back System” and effortlessly doing what you need to do.

9. Allowing yourself to stay “stuck”

Letting the breakup completely stagnate your desire to move forward in life is one of the worst things you can allow. Once your ambition falls to the wayside, it is only a matter of time before severe depression sets in.

One of the most important things in life is having a strong sense of purpose. A breakup can easily allow you to forget what you are here to do, especially when living without your girl can make life seem totally meaningless. This is a huge trap which has crushed many men financially, emotionally and spiritually. Luckily, you will have all the tools you’ll need to push forward despite any feelings of hopelessness and futility.

10. Failure to maintain a social network.

You must allow yourself to see your friends and maintain your sociability during a breakup. Otherwise, you will end up like that guy from the movie “Swingers” who sat in his house for weeks waiting for his girl to call. And remember, when you are out with your buddies you are not allowed to talk about your girl! The whole point of going out with friends is to get your mind off the situation and to learn to have fun without a girlfriend in your life. Also, if you constantly drone on and on about the breakup, your friends will eventually tire of it and stop inviting you out.

11. Mistaking the reasons your girl gives you for the breakup as the real reasons and acting upon those instead

A woman will very rarely be completely honest with you during a breakup. Sometimes she will try and explain herself by saying things like, “I just need some time alone,” and “My life is so complicated right now,” while at other times she may be keeping you in the dark completely. I have found that the reasons why a girl leaves her man are almost always the same universally, no matter what she may tell you. And of course, she has very good reasons for not being completely up front with you, which will be covered shortly.

12. Giving her ultimatums

Be careful of ultimatums! It can, however, be a smart move to set up ultimatums in a relationship early on, such as, “I don’t tolerate dishonesty or cheating, and if that ever occurs between us, I’m out the door in a heartbeat.” By establishing boundaries and refusing to allow your principles to be compromised, you will be setting a good tone for your relationship. The problems start when you begin to use ultimatums to manipulate unwanted behavior.

For example, when you say to your girl, “If you don’t stop hanging out with Monica, we’re through,” or “If I ever see you flirting with that guy, you’ll never see me again,” you’re making a serious error. The problem with these kinds of ultimatums (in addition to being Pet Cem tactics) is that they trap you. Most of the time they won’t have any effect on your girl’s behavior (many women will test you to find out if you’re for real) and they will leave you stuck having to dish out the consequences you previously threatened.

At this point, if you fail to deliver on your threat your girl will realize that your words carry no weight and will start to lose respect for you. And God forbid she realizes that she can do whatever she wants with no repercussions. You’ll be in for a world of hurt, my friend.

Being careful enough to avoid the mistakes we have just covered will make the road to getting your girl back that much smoother. I wish you the best of luck.

Source by Jay Cataldo


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I've never seen a cat in this colour before! so pretty…

I've never seen a cat in this colour before! so pretty

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Posted by iweatherman on 2012-10-14 15:11:15

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BEST Video for Cats to Watch Squirrels,Bunnies,Pigeons, Birds,

Video for Cats to Watch.



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Bengal Cats on Instagram: “Colorful Bengals. ”

Colorful Bengals.Wow, a cat like I saw in my dream is in this photo, the one that is white with silver outlined spots. I sure was surprised to see it, didn't know such a cat was real!

Source by hawkpilot


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Posted by Egor Fedorov on 2011-09-13 05:29:23

Tagged: , cat , animals , black , 50mm


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Tabby Cat Club Upcoming Events

Gracie from The Tabby Cat Club writes, “Shiver me timbers! The Pirates have taken over the TCC! Hope to see you on Monday to have some pirate fun!” Here is the updated calendar of events for September and October. SEPTEMBER

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Understand Your Cat’s Behavior!

Jackson explains how you can interpret the specific things your cat is doing (and how to fix them) based on Cat Mojo. He breaks down the three components …



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Taking Care Of Your Furnace Room

The furnace room, or room where the furnace is located, is typically low on a homeowner’s maintenance list. Many times, the room is located in the cellar and rarely used. However, in order to keep your furnace operating properly, you will need to regularly clean and maintain the room where the furnace is located.

There are several reasons for this. First of all, cleanliness will reduce the risk of a fire. Secondly, a clean furnace room will make it easier to fix the furnace if repairs should be necessary.

The good news is that keeping your furnace room clean and clutter free is not a lot of work in the long run. Of course, if you have used your furnace room as a storage area, it may take some time to clean the area and make sure that it is safe.

Here is a simple list of things that should be done to keep your furnace room clean in order to minimize the risk of fire and to keep your family safe.

  1. Do make sure that there is enough space around the furnace so that it can safely operate. Some families have a tendency to pack the room full of unused items or use the room for storage. This can create a fire hazard and can interfere with the operation of the furnace.
  2. Do not hang laundry lines or clothes from your furnace to dry. Although the clothes may dry quickly, this is definitely a fire hazard. If you put the clothes on a drying rack in the furnace room, make sure that the rack is a safe distance from the furnace.
  3. Do not place your cat’s litter box near the furnace. The ammonia from the cat’s urine can actually corrode parts of the furnace. In addition, the smells from the litter box can get caught up in the vent system and circulate through your home.
  4. Do not store chemicals, cleaning products, or laundry soaps near the furnace. If you must store the items in the room with the furnace, make sure that the products are in an airtight container.
  5. Never store flammable products like gasoline, pool chemicals, kerosene or paint thinners any where near the furnace. These items can easily cause a dangerous fire.
  6. Do keep the area clean. Don’t leave your old dusty furnace filters or broken furnace parts lying around the furnace room. Not only does this clutter up the area, but it can also create a fire hazard.
  7. Do make sure to dust and vacuum the furnace and the furnace room regularly. This means dusting the area and vacuuming around the furnace and the floor in order to keep dust build up at a minimum.

Once you have given the area a good cleaning, you will only need to invest a few minutes a week making sure that the area is clean. Even if it does take a lot of work to clean the area at first, the peace of mind you will get is well worth the work.

Source by Catherine T Wilson


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Find Out Why This DIY Cat Tent Will Make Your Kitty VERY Happy

DIY Cat Tent Tutorial – This easy DIY cat tent craft is such a cute idea. Your cat will adore you for it!

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Posted by Egor Fedorov on 2011-05-01 11:55:23

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Funny Cats Compilation [Most See] Funny Cat Videos Ever Part 3

Funny Cats Compilation [Most See] Funny Cat Videos Ever Part 3 Funny Cats Compilation [Most See] Funny Cat Videos Ever Part 2 Funny Cats Compilation …



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Treating Bloating In Cats

Bloating in your cat is a physical condition in which your kitty has air in her stomach. This article examines some of the causes of cat bloating, one of the most common cat health problems today.

Apart from the presence of gas, which can be caused due to indigestion in the stomach, your cat may experience a bloated feeling if there is a blockage in her stomach. If your kitty eats more than it can easily digest, it is possible that it will get bloated.

The major symptoms of bloating include a swollen belly, excess gas, and flatulence. The cat may also belch or pass wind. However in more severe cases, the cat may also vomit or at least attempt to do so. Often cats may collapse or you may find it salivating too much. In all such cases, take it to the nearest vet immediately.

Though a diagnosis will help your vet in prescribing the exact medication, there are a few things that you can do in order to give your cat some relief. You will find a few natural substances quite helpful in treating this cat health problem. Believe it or not, giving your kitty marshmallows and slippery elms may help. The former strengthens the digestive system, while the latter is known to work wonders against bloating and gas. Another good natural substance is licorice as it keeps the intestine healthy and also assists in digestion.

In more extreme cases of bloating, a vet may choose to relieve your cat by injecting a needle. However, if the diagnosis shows something more serious, then he may have to perform an operation. Apart from gas and air, bloating can also be caused by tumors or kidney and spleen enlargement. That is why it is very important to consult a vet as soon as you see any bloating signs in your cat as any delay may make the situation worse. If it is a swollen spleen or a tumor, the vet may have to operate it and remove the diseased organ, if possible.

There are some preventive measures that you might want to take. You should know the right amount of food that your cat needs each day as this will help you prevent it from over eating. Cat owners should also make an attempt to stop feeding the cat too much leftovers from their tables.

Treating cat health problems is one of the things that all kitty owners should expect to do. Remember that prevention is better than cure and it might be a good idea to bring your cat for regular medical checkups.

Source by Flora Westbrooks


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-They are good role models because they answer to no one and love independence. …

-They are good role models because they answer to no one and love independence. -You must earn their love. -They are extra sassy. -They are excellent hunters. catsnation.blogsp…

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Posted by Danny VB on 2012-12-13 14:48:09

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They Adopt Blind Cat and Take Him to Shelter to Find Friend He's Been Longing for

They adopted a rescue cat after his surgery to remove his ruptured eyes

and took him to the shelter so he could find a friend that he’d been longing for.

Meet Martin Tucker the cat.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

Martin had a rough start in life. He was an indoor/outdoor cat with an eye infection. When his eyes got really bad, he was not let into his home. A neighbor, who watched Martin go blind and fight for food and shelter, took him in and called for help.

Lets Adopt Global

, a rescue group that saves animals globally, took Martin in, treated him and flew him to the US for his new home and forever humans, Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker.

“When Martin arrived in our home we tried to introduce him to our 14 year old Miss Kitty. Unfortunately Miss Kitty was an only cat for 14 years and she immediately vowed to hate Martin’s guts for the rest of her life,” Tucker told

Love Meow


No matter how hard they tried, Miss Kitty refused to let her guard down. “This made blind Martin very sad. He cried outside her bedroom door every day while she stood on the other side hissing and being very angry that he existed.”

All Martin wanted was a friend.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

“We decided the only thing left to do was make a trip to the local Shelter. We explained the problem and how we wanted to adopt but needed Martin to meet the potential family member before we brought him or her home.

“After All, the last thing we needed was to have three cats who couldn’t stand each other!”

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

As they were headed to a “greeting” room at the shelter, they passed several barking dogs but Martin, who had lived on the streets for months, was not bothered at all.

They first brought in a kitten, but after leaving the kitty in the room for 15 minutes, they realized it was not a good fit. A few other cats were also brought in, but somehow they had very little interest or interaction with Martin.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

“Then comes this pretty two year old tuxedo cat. This guy was great. I picked him up and he gave me the sweetest little kiss on my face,” Tucker told Love Meow.

As soon as she put him down in the room, Mr. Pinkerton walked right over to Martin.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

“They smelled each other and touched noses. Martin started to walk away and Mr. Pinkerton followed. There was zero aggression, no nervous twitching and no apparent annoyance in either one of them.

“We let them hang out in that room for about half an hour. It was as if they were already friends. Absolute and complete comfort and ease. And we knew that this was the guy.”

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

They paid the adoption fee, and the two boys have been inseparable since.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

“The day we brought him home the boys stayed in the same room. Mr. Pinkerton ran into the spare bedroom and hid under the bed,” Tucker told Love Meow.

“Martin just laid down in the doorway of that room until Mr. P decided our house was safe enough to come out from under the bed.”

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

Now the two boys sleep in the same room every day, and even share the small cat bed.

“We cannot put them in separate rooms or they cry and cry and cry. Mr Pinkerton has a VERY VERY loud cry. Mr Martin has a squeaky little cry,” Tucker told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Raye Ann Tucker and Markeeta Tucker

Martin can’t see but that doesn’t stop him from doing things like any other kitties.

A loving home, a best friend, good health and constant cuddles… Martin is the happiest he’s ever been.

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Martin Tucker on Facebook




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