Monday, 28 November 2016

Cat Show Fun and Gifts

somali cat in cat show enclosure

The cat show this weekend was so much fun! I really enjoy being a “Pet Me” cat, instead of having to compete in the judging rings. I left that up to my half-brother Sizzle and half-sister Vana. It was Sizzle’s first show as an adult cat (he’s really still a kitten at 8 months, but that’s when they start being judged as cats). Vana is still a kitten for another month, but this is her last CFA show before she ages out.

somali cat envious of human's challah bread

Both my breeder (Vana’s human), and Sizzle’s human bring awesome food that they share with my human. So do you think my human shares it with me? No! Like this challah bread with chocolate swirls and Nutella spread. Did I get any? Nope. And my breeder brought sushi for lunch — and I didn’t get any of that either. I did get lots of cat treats, though.

somali cat with cat treat on her head

Sometimes I got the cat treat on my head. My human thinks she is funny.

somali cat with cat bathing suit

I got a bathing suit with pink flamingoes on it from my pal BJ’s human! She originally got it to cover up a kitty after a spay surgery, but then never used it, so I have it now.

somali cat posing with caracature

This human came by in the afternoon and asked my human if she could do a “catcature” of me, and of course my human said yes! So she sat there and whipped this off really quickly. Didn’t she do an awesome job? Her name is Hannah Han, and she does caricatures of both people and pets! You can see her blog here. She did quite a few cats at the show — including BJ! If you go to her post about the show, you can see BJ’s portrait among the photos.

In addition to these gifts, and the prize I won yesterday for my Catmas hat, I got another super-cool gift! You might catch a brief view of it in the Facebook video my human shot live at the cat show. But I will be devoting a whole post to it soon.

somali kitten posing in groom space

See how grown up Vana has gotten? She is large for a Somali kitten. Her mom is probably a couple of pounds bigger than my mother (she’s a little thing — I’m bigger than my mom too). She is really enjoying the cat shows now!

somali kittens in judging ring

Vana had competition at this show — there were three other kittens besides her competing in her breed. But in every ring, she still got Best Somali Kitten.

somali kitten being judged

She was so poised in all the judging rings, and she purred for many of the judges.

somali cat sitting on judging table for final

This judge gave Vana Best Shorthaired Kitten out of all the breeds of kittens she judged.

somali kitten getting Best Kitten ribbon from judge

This judge was really taken with Vana. It was clear when he was judging her that she delighted him, and she got Best Allbreed Kitten in his ring, which means she won over all the shorthaired and longhaired kittens at the show!

somali cat being judged in shorthaired specialty ring

Sizzle had a really good show too, for his first as a grown-up. Here, the judge is checking his ticking and his roots — important things to watch in Somali cats. His are good, so he has nothing to be concerned about there!

somali cat being judged

In CFA (the registry for this show), the adult cats get two kinds of ribbons. When they first start showing as grown-ups, they are called Champions, and they get plain ribbons, not rosettes, when they get in a final. Once they get over 200 points, then they are Grand Champions and they compete against the other Grands for the rosette ribbons. Occasionally, if a Champion hasn’t Granded yet, but he’s a really excellent cat, he’ll get one of the Top Ten spots that the Grands usually get. Because I was altered, I wasn’t a Champion, but a Premier, and I only needed 75 points to Grand. It is much more difficult for an intact cat to Grand because he needs so many more points.

cat show ribbons for somali cat

Sizzle did really good for his very first show — he got three finals as a Shorthair Champion out of six rings. In one of the rings he also got an Allbreed Champion ribbon (which meant he was judged higher than a couple of the Longhair Champions). So he got enough points with this show to give him a really good start towards earning his Grand Status.

cat show rosettes for somali kitten

Here are Vana’s ribbons. She gets rosettes now, but when she is an adult, she’ll be getting mostly plain ribbons until she Grands.

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The post Cat Show Fun and Gifts appeared first on SparkleCat.

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The post Cat Show Fun and Gifts appeared first on Cats n Things.


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