It’s been just about two years since you posted this (sorry about the recent sad anniversary for James).
I’m curious how successful this has been, and whether re-realignment has happened…and if so, what the new alignment looks like, please.
Dear Readers,
The comment was on the post, Cats who exclude, where I explained that Olwyn lost her best friend when James Bond passed away. She is not a cat who makes friends easily.
James Bond had a Masters in Administration. One look from him would repel kitten RJ to redirect his target while RJ was still in the air. One swat on the head would remind RJ that he weighed much more than kitten Olwyn and he should “know his own strength.” He kept kitten Tristan at bay until Tristan learned the gentle ways to snuggle up with James, and then he melted, enjoying a front row seat at the Tristan circus and cuddling with him on a favorite chair.
We would see a lot of James and Olwyn hanging out together, communing about the joys of being In Charge. She adored him. She became very clingy for a while after he was gone.
Olwyn has a different approach to Supervising than her mentor James. She has a kind heart, but she’s bossy about it. Very Tortie. She knows what is supposed to be happening right this minute, and why aren’t we doing it? Sometimes I want to get her a little watch she can point to.
She also further annoys the cat boys because they get rowdy and Mr WayofCats has to come into the room and remind Mithy he is now twice the weight of Tristan and he really shouldn’t be squishing his buddy. What he didn’t know, until I saw it, was that during these discussions, Olwyn is sitting beside him, poking her paw into the air. Getting in her own Yeah, that goes for me, too! scolding.
Reverend Jim finds this particularly irritating. He’s the one who monitors the important industries of food production and Litter Robot maintenance. He cleans kitten Mithy’s head regularly. He’s observing the outside areas constantly. Olwyn has hardly looked out a window in her whole career! She’s got some nerve!
Then there’s Tristan, who feels Olwyn’s problem is that she doesn’t play enough. It is certainly Tristan’s problem; now that Mithy, at two and a half, is mid-grown, he has already slowed down. While Tristan still has boundless Alpha energy. When he turns it onto Olwyn, she often finds a corner to back into so she can growl her displeasure at him.
Which makes it all the more amazing that Tristan has become her closest buddy. Because I asked him to.
There was a point about six months down the road where Olwyn had seemed to perk up. She became a bit less clingy with Mr WayofCats, showed some signs of feistiness returning, didn’t settle into my shoulder with a sigh as much. There was a general lift throughout our Cat Civilization, as James had been very sick towards the end and everyone felt it. There was also a kitten for her to mold, as Mithy was still under a year old. She had plenty to do.
She was lying on the bed, at my feet, and I saw sadness on her face. I realized that once James Bond would have been right beside her. I knew then she was still lonely.
So when Tristan got on the bed, I patted the spot beside her, and started telling him (with lots of Cat Kisses) how sad she was because she missed Mr Bond, and I knew he did too.
“Maybe you two could be friends,” I told him. “Olwyn needs a friend.”
As the days passed, I would see him lying on the bed right next to her. I would hear her complaining about something, and find he was sitting near her, giving her cat kisses. “Good boy, Tristan,” I would trill. “Look, he wants to be friends with Punkin. He’s being nice to you.”
He was already hanging out by Olwyn’s dish spot, so I moved his dish there. Now they eat together.
In the past, James Bond would translate for Olwyn, who is so much in tune with Mr WayofCats that she is not that good at communicating with me. She has this tendency to come over and stare fixedly at my face, while I reel off things she might want and wait for her to react. I know she thinks I am kind-hearted, but not too bright.
However, with Tristan now buffering her loneliness and lending his communication skills, things have improved.
Tristan is our diplomat cat.
Find out more about Olwyn’s personality in Olwyn, she who must be obeyed.
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The post Dear Pammy, Did Olwyn find new friends? appeared first on Cats n Things.
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