Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Election Day!

somali cat wearing cute little uncle sam hat

Today is Election Day in the United States! And for everyone, not just the U.S. humans, this is a Very Big Deal. Did you vote early, or are you voting today?

somali cat in uncle sam hat, pondering

Almost everyone my human knows is voting, but there are a couple of holdouts. I don’t get it. Voting is important. Humans need to make their voices heard, not just on which politicians get in office, but also on policies that effect where they live. Voting is a right, and it is a right that should never, ever be taken lightly. Did you know that in Australia, voting is compulsory? My human wishes that were true here, and that people really got more involved in what happens in the government in their cities, states and countries. The more you know, the more you are able to make intelligent decisions, and to create positive change.

somali cat in uncle sam hat, looking stern

I think many people in the U.S. take voting too much for granted. I also think they spend too much time fighting with each other about politics instead of figuring out how to make informed compromises that will help as many people as possible. If Binga and I can get along (usually), then why can’t humans?

somali cat urging her blog readers to vote

That’s all I have to say today, other than VOTE! Take part in your future because that is the only way you can make a difference in the way things turn out.

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The post Election Day! appeared first on SparkleCat.

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The post Election Day! appeared first on Cats n Things.


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