Monday 6 February 2017

The Meaning of The Light of a Candle in Dreams

I prove with my work that only Carl Jung could discover the real meaning of the dream language and the power of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. Therefore, you can believe in the meaning of dreams when you translate your dreams based on the scientific method.

You will verify into practice the superiority of these translations because you’ll be impressed with the messages of the unconscious mind. You will understand that these messages are not inventions. They contain special wisdom.

I will give you an example by using a sentence from a long dream, so that you may see that when I translate the meaning of your dreams I transcribe the unconscious words exactly as they are, without distorting the meaning of the dream messages based on my opinion. You’ll also verify that the unconscious logic is totally different from the logic of your conscious mind.

This dream was dreamt by a 50-60-years-old woman who is mentally ill. I cannot publish the entire dream or give you information about the dreamer’s case. However, this sentence will already show you that I don’t invent the meaning of dreams when I translate this meaning based on the scientific method:

‘I stood in the stream filling our lanterns with water so they’d sink.’

Dream Translation:

A lantern is a portable case with transparent sides for holding and protecting a light. Light in dreams represents the truth, but only if it is the sunlight.

The light in a lantern is usually the light that comes from a candle. The candle in dreams represents the hope in salvation.

Therefore, the lanterns should protect the truth, which is based on the hope in salvation. The truth is that this false perfect match won’t make you happy. Only your real perfect match is the man of your life. Only your real perfect match is your salvation.

Water in dreams represents materialism and lack of faith when it is abundant.

Therefore, your ego was filling the protection of the truth with materialism and lack of faith because you don’t want to believe that only your real perfect match is the right man for you.

The fact that you wanted to make the lanterns sink in the stream indicate that your ego wanted to make the truth of your salvation with your real perfect match disappear from your vision. Your ego wants to forget that only your real perfect match is the right man for you.

This dream is a warning.

As you can see, the unconscious words follow another logic. The lanterns protect the truth, which is based on the hope in salvation because they come from the light of a candle. This sentence is somehow strange.

Let me analyze it:

The light in dreams represents the truth when it comes from the sun. When the light comes from a candle this truth is based on the hope in salvation.

The candle is a pray. Its limited light is hoping for salvation in the darkness.

The truth that comes from the light of a candle doesn’t have a general form. It’s not a truth about various different matters. It is a truth related to the hope in salvation.

Therefore, a lantern protects the hope in salvation.

The unconscious words are quite different from the human words. Their wisdom is always visible. The unconscious mind is a doctor and a spiritual guide. It shows to the dreamer that she doesn’t believe in salvation. However, it shows her this fact in a poetic form, which has the intention to awaken the dreamer’s sensitivity.

The scene of filling a lantern with the water of a stream is quite strange. A lantern must stay far from water. Otherwise it won’t work. Water ruins its function because it eliminates the light protected by the lantern.

The dreamer was filling lanterns with water with the intention to make them sink in the stream. This practice doesn’t make sense.

Why did the unconscious mind choose this dream image in order to show to the dreamer that she has no faith?

The unconscious mind showed to the dreamer that she doesn’t believe in salvation by reflecting her absurd attitude with an absurd scene. It is absurd to fill a lantern with water to make it sink in a river. The same way, it is absurd to doubt that she will find salvation with her real perfect match. This dreamer couldn’t understand something obvious.

She would surely find salvation with her real perfect match. However, she wanted to pay attention to other men, and forget that only her real perfect match can make her happy.

In this dream scene nothing is shown about her perfect match, but this information was given in the beginning of the dream. This dream image completes the messages already given in other parts of the dream.

I only wanted to show you with this sentence from this long dream that the way the unconscious mind speaks is totally different from the way we speak, and that the unconscious logic is different.

The unconscious mind criticizes the dreamer’s behavior, showing her that her attitude is absurd, but without offending the dreamer. The unconscious mind is delicate. This way, the dreamer accepts the unconscious criticism without showing anger for understanding that she is making mistakes.

When you’ll verify into practice the value of the dream messages you’ll surely care about learning the dream language very well, and about teaching it to your family. This precious knowledge gives you the chance to be guided by divine wisdom.

Source by Christina Sponias


The post The Meaning of The Light of a Candle in Dreams appeared first on Cats n Things.


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