Friday 17 February 2017

Therapy Cat Experiences: A Roundup

somali cat and therapy cat experiences

This has been a really busy week for me, as far as therapy cat visits — I had three! Mainly because when my human was sick, we had to cancel a couple of visits and we needed to play catch up. My human was worried it might be too much for me, but I was fine with it. In fact, it felt great to get out of the house!

I thought today it would be fun to give you an assessment of therapy cat experiences I’ve had so far. Especially since a couple of them happened this week.

My favorite place to make visits: it is actually the very first hospital I visited, which is one of my regular hospitals now. I like it because I mostly visit bedridden patients and I get to snuggle with them. Also, because so many of them are stuck in bed, they really appreciate seeing me.

Weirdest experience while visiting: That happened on Monday. I visted two different homes in one afternoon where teenage boys lived. The only thing my human and I knew about these boys was that they might be on probation of wards of the court. They were all actually very nice to me and fun. But there was one boy who wanted to taste my freeze dried chicken cat treats! Now, there is nothing wrong with them, and no reason that humans can’t eat them, but my human still kind of looked at the woman who ran the house. She shrugged and said a little piece wouldn’t hurt, so my human gave him a bit of my freeze dried chicken. He said it tasted like chicken soup. My human says she has no intention of finding out for herself! Anyhow, the boy liked me and had one of the other guys there take some photos of him holding me. My human showed him the right way to hold me too. But I kept the rest of the treats to myself.

My favorite patient: Oh, paws down it was the bacon lady! I would go back and visit her anytime! There were a couple of bedridden children at the other hospital that I liked a lot too.

My favorite therapy dog to team up with: I don’t get to interact with the dogs much because the therapy animals are supposed to stay at least 6 feet apart. But I have done visits with Roxie the Corgi a few times, and I always have a good time! Roxie is cute and has great energy. I really admire the therapy dogs — they have to go through a much more rigorous evaluation process than I did, and it shows. If one of them gets too excited when they see me, all their human has to say is, “Leave it,” and they totally stop paying attention to me! They are very well trained.

My favorite nurse: The nurse on the fourth floor of my favorite hospital! She knows my name, and when I come to her floor, she gets so excited! I do love the hospital staff everywhere I go, and they love me back.

Any unpleasant experiences: A couple of times a child smacked me on the nose! Although it wasn’t very nice, it wasn’t very hard either and I forgave them. And of course, my human or another adult told them that was not allowed. A couple of kids have been a little rough with me. Yesterday there was a little girl who tried grasping me around my neck. My human was concerned that she might try to squeeze me, so she gently put her fingers underneath the little girl’s hands so she couldn’t harm me. My human is very protective of me, especially in situations where the person I’m visiting (child or otherwise) is unpredictable. But moments I spend with children who don’t have pets are also teaching moments, so we can’t avoid them altogether.

therapy cat wearing vest in car

I’d say that 99% of my therapy cat experiences have been good ones! I am really happy to do this… it does not feel like work at all. I mean, what could be more awesome than visiting people who love you?

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The post Therapy Cat Experiences: A Roundup appeared first on SparkleCat.

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The post Therapy Cat Experiences: A Roundup appeared first on Cats n Things.


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