Thursday 26 January 2017

Tuxedo Cat Travels on His Royal Cart to Bring Joy and Hope to Critically Ill Patients

A friendly and always purring tuxedo cat has become an important member at the

UCSF Medical Center

, bringing critically ill patients joy and hope.

His name is Duke Ellington Morris.

UCSF Medical Center

Duke is from the San Francisco SPCA and comes to the hospital in hopes to bring joy and smiles to an environment that needs it. At the intense care unit, Duke is often seen sitting on a cart as he is wheeled around to greet patients. Duke travels around the hospital in the most royal way possible.

Every time he shows up at a patient’s room, he lights it up and immediately puts a smile on the patient’s face.

An elderly gentleman said he was “getting better by the inch” as nurses wheeled Duke closer to him. The friendly feline stayed by his side as the nurses checked his vitals and provided care.

UCSF Medical Center

“Our therapy cat, ‘Duke Ellington’ Morris, brings furry snuggles and joy to critically ill patients in our intensive care unit!”

UCSF Medical Center


“Our staff thinks he’s pretty “purr”-fect too.”

UCSF Medical Center

After visiting the patients, Duke likes to be rolled down the hallway, greeting doctors and staff, getting pets and kisses, and purring up a storm.

UCSF Medical Center

“Duke is part of our local SPCA’s animal-assisted therapy program.”

It allows shelter animals to visit critically ill patients and help them cope with anxiety, pain, depression, etc..

UCSF Medical Center

Patients are all screened for allergies before each visit. “Our staff screens for allergies before the cat visits, as well as taking precautions with hygiene etc. In addition, the SPCA’s animal-assisted therapy program has specific grooming guidelines.”

Watch this cute video:

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