Sunday 15 January 2017

4 Essential Steps to Make Your Cat Disciplined in 2017

New Year has arrived and you must have already made your resolutions for the year. However, it won’t be wrong to state that most of you must have already broken it. For all those who are on the verge of breaking their promises like every year, the article has come up with a brand new idea of resolutions. If you are done with taking pledges for yourself, make some vows for your feline as well. Make your notorious feline a bit more disciplined this year. It might sound difficult, but you can train your kitty some good habits. Listed below are some of the ways that can effortlessly help you complete your promise.

  1. No matter what you do, the whiskers won’t allow you tie collars in her neck. However, this is important for the feline if she goes out of the house unsupervised. You can buy some cute designs of cat collar bow tie that is cute and attractive for the kitties. The felines get motivated when they see their humans doing the same thing. So, on weekends and whenever you have time you can spend some time with her in cat dress. You can even find cat costumes for humans that comes with feline whisker and collar. The kitty will feel motivated when she will see you in these collars.
  2. Felines are generally very lazy. Discourage the habit of long sleeping hours in her. Spend time with her in the evening and make her do some physical activity. The playtime is one of the most important aspect when it comes to the overall recreations of pets. It is the responsibility of the fur parent to encourage her break up from the lethargic nature and indulge more in exercises.
  3. Some of the activities of the kitties are really destructive like their love for toilet papers and hunting habit. It can’t be denied that some of these activities are cute, but they are annoying at the same. Train the kitty to be obedient this year. Discourage the things that creates problem. You can get them a scratching post, this will spare your furniture and things of this sort. Other than this, you can buy some cat toys. The artificial birds and mouse can discourage the hunting habit of feline to some extends.
  4. Felines are generally very proud and likes to stay in their won comfort zone. So, teach her to be humble. Don’t push them beyond a certain limit. However, you can train them to socialize a bit more than usual. Teach them some tricks like to shake hands with the guests and to listen to your commands.

Make this year fruitful for your feline. However, don’t be harsh or impose the changes on her. Be patients and find out measures to train her without causing any sort of a pain.

Source by Emma Bassiri


The post 4 Essential Steps to Make Your Cat Disciplined in 2017 appeared first on Cats n Things.


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