Tuesday 3 January 2017

Cat Yoga… Taught by Real Cats!

My human usually doesn’t think about any specific way to start the new year… but a few days before 2017, she got this email:

cat yoga newsletter from Crumbs and Whiskers

It was from Crumbs & Whiskers, a recently opened cat cafe. They were offering two cat yoga sessions, for the first time, on New Year’s Day. My human jumped on it right away, and she emailed a friend of hers who signed up too. It’s a good thing they were quick — both classes sold out in a matter of hours.

Crumbs and Whiskers entrance

My human and her friend signed up for the second session. They and the other classmembers filled the entryway as they waited for the first session to end. Everyone was really excited.

neon sign at Crumbs and Whiskers

This sign was on the wall… but this evening, nobody brought coffee, just yoga mats.

cat cafe cats getting ready for yoga

The class had 19 feline instructors. Oh, and one human instructor. My human doesn’t remember what the human instructor looked like, but she remembers all the cats.

tortoiseshell cat on black yoga mat

Here is the main feline yoga instructor. You might notice she is wearing a pink collar. The girl cats wore pink collars, and the boys wore gray ones. And there were some kitties wearing purple collars, which meant they had a bit of an attitude.

kitten on a yoga mat

Although the humans there were all adults, kittens were allowed in the yoga session.

cat playing with yoga strap

Here is one cat showing how to properly use a yoga strap.

black and white cat on yoga mat

Some humans got their own feline yoga instructor. My human was one of them.

black and white cat with paw on human feet

Sometimes he had to correct her form.

tabby cat on pink yoga mat by human foot

Eventually that instructor left, and another one showed up while my human did standing poses.

two feisty cats on a yoga mat

As you can see, the main instructor was a stern taskmaster!

two cats fighting on a yoga mat

There were even a few arguments.

kitten being photographed by yoga students

Although a lot of yoga got done, sometimes it was hard for the human students to concentrate because of all the cuteness! My human says she actually had a good yoga session, even if she did pick up her iPhone and sneak a few photos when she was supposed to be doing a pose. The cats were busy wandering around and checking everybody’s form — and seeing if anyone wanted to play. After the yoga session was over, everybody got to hang out for a few minutes and take more photos. If Crumbs and Whiskers has more yoga classes, my human and her friend are definitely going again!

sign in the bathroom at Crumbs and Whiskers

My human saw this sign in the restroom after the session was over. She thought it was a fitting end to a cat yoga class.

In case you are wondering, all the cat instructors are available for adoption.

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The post Cat Yoga… Taught by Real Cats! appeared first on SparkleCat.

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The post Cat Yoga… Taught by Real Cats! appeared first on Cats n Things.


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