Thursday 19 January 2017

Top Terms and Acronyms Nursing Students Should Know About the Administration of Medication

There are many nursing terms and acronyms that students must learn to pass their classes and become registered nurses. More importantly, these terms and acronyms are necessities during the care of patients when you don’t have a second to spare. The nursing terms and acronyms that are used for the administration of medication are critically important, and they are also particularly useful because this is such a big part of the nurse’s job. Not a work day goes by in the life of a nurse that he or she does not utter an acronym or medical term associated with the administering of medications and drugs. When working as a nurse, your time is valuable and using acronyms helps to shorten the time spent describing your procedure and patient treatment so that you can spend your time actually caring for your patient.

According to many experts, the following top terms and acronyms are among the ones that nursing students should know about the administration of medication:

1. AC: Take before meals

2. Ampule: A sealed glass or plastic bulb that contains solutions to be used for a hypodermic injection

3. Anaphylaxis: An exaggerated allergic reaction to a foreign protein as a result of previous exposure to that protein

4. BID: Take twice a day

5. Diluent: Anything that serves to dilute, or the act of diluting

6. Enteral: Something that relates to the intestine or enteron

7. HS: Take at bedtime

8. IM: Intramuscular injection

9. Infusion: Introduction of a saline or other solution into a vein

10. IV: Intravenous

11. Ophthalmic: Pertaining to the eye

12. Otic: Pertaining to the ear

13. Parenteral: When something is taken into the body without entering the digestive canal

14. PO: Take by mouth

15. PC: Take after meals

16. PR: Per Rectum

17. Q: Every

18. QD: Every Day

19. QID: Four times a day

20. QOD: Every other day

21. SC: Subcutaneous injection

22. TID: Three times a day

23. Toxicity: The quality and degree of being toxic or poisonous

24. Transfusion: Direct transfer of blood or plasma into a blood vessel

25. Vial: A small glass container for holding liquids to be administered

Source by Erik R Johnson


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