Tuesday 27 December 2016

Ambassador Cat!

tortoiseshell cat with CFA Ambassador Cat materials

I’m so excited! I’ve got a new cat show title. So why is Binga trying to take credit?

somali cat with CFA Ambassador cat materials

That’s better! I am now a CFA Ambassador Cat! That means I can go to shows held by the Cat Fanciers Association and socialize with the spectators while my human tells them about the cat shows. According to the Ambassador Handbook, “The exhibitor ambassador’s goal is to make spectators feel welcome at our shows, and help them understand cats, cat care, CFA recognized breeds, and cat shows.” To help with that, my human and I received the materials you see here.

somali cat with CFA cat show guide

The Cat Show Guide pamphlet tells people what the different colored ribbons mean and answers some basic questions about the cats and the show, like “Can I touch the cats at the show?” (The answer is usually not, unless they are Pet Me cats like me.) and “Can I ask a judge questions?” (Yes, but do it from the audience if they are busy evaluating a cat, and don’t walk into the ring.)

somali cat looking at CFA's World of Pedigreed Cats

Here is the pamphlet of breeds, in case somebody is wondering what breed of cats they are seeing at the show.

somali cat looking at CFA somali cat pamplet

And because I am a Somali, I also got a stack of Somali cat pamphlets! In case you are wondering, yes, household pet cats can be Ambassador Cats too. In fact, there have been some awesome household pet Ambassador Cats!

somali cat looking at CFA pamplet against declawing

This is my favorite pamphlet, even more than the Somali cat one. It explains why CFA is against declawing. Did you know that you can’t enter a declawed cat into competition at a CFA cat show? Declawing is cruel and wrong and really unnecessary, if the humans put the correct work into it. I got used to having my claws trimmed from an early age, and they are trimmed so short that the people I visit with at the hospitals don’t even know they are there! My human has to actually show them if they ask.

somali cat looking at CFA Ambassador "Ask Me" stickers

Here are the stickers my human will be wearing at the cat shows. This is so that spectators know that if they have any questions, they can ask her! I don’t need to wear anything at all. Well, I can wear nice dresses and outfits if I want, and I probably will. I will have at least one, and hopefully two shows next month where I will be representing as an Ambassador Cat! I’m really looking forward to it.

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The post Ambassador Cat! appeared first on SparkleCat.

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The post Ambassador Cat! appeared first on Cats n Things.


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