Wednesday 28 December 2016

How to Care For Pet Rat Injuries

Pet rats can suffer a wide array of injuries and can cause stress, worry, and panic in their owners. While their wounds can get easily infected and turn into abscesses, a rat without an infection actually heals tremendously fast. Nevertheless, here are some common injuries of pet rats, as well as the best things to do in the even t of an injured rat.

Common injuries:

Fight scratches and bites

Sometimes there comes a time when big fights happen between two of your beloved rats. Males are usually guilty of this. When they suffer wounds from the fights, it is best to keep them separated following the incident in order to promote healing and to prevent more fighting. If their wounds seem raw and red without any improvement, it would be best to see your veterinarian as their wounds might be infected.

Broken claw or tail

This is not uncommon and is also not very serious however these can be extremely painful for your domesticated rats. A broken claw or tail is usually a result of their getting stuck somewhere or being stepped on or nipped. You must first very gently disinfect the broken part by rinsing it in a non-abrasive antiseptic, like lemongrass distillate or tea tree oil. If you notice swelling in any area, it means it is infected and your pet rat may need an antibiotic. As for bucks, sometimes they can get an entire leg broken as result of playing or getting stuck somewhere in the cage. You may want to visit your veterinarian who will assess the severity of the injury while you keep your injured pet rat in a safe leveled area in the cage for the meantime.

More serious injuries:

Blisters on ear

Also known as aural haematoma, this is when your pet rat’s ear can blow up and swell like a big blister of blood. Usually, it will take a couple of days for the blood to subside and go back into the skin, however leaving a thicker ear. If the swelling is severe and tends to flop or block the ear hole, antibiotic cream must be applied.

Dislocation of vertebra

This is even more excruciatingly painful to your injured pet rat than a broken leg. The dislocated vertebra often happens along the lower back or the tail. If this happens, it is best to go to your veterinarian, who will administer anesthesia before trying to snap the vertebra back to its original alignment.

Source by Trey Platt


The post How to Care For Pet Rat Injuries appeared first on Cats n Things.


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