Saturday 10 December 2016

Cute Video Inspired by Angry Cat

We came across this delightfully funny feline video appropriately titled ‘Meow’.  When we spoke to Indie pop artist Kazzey (the musician and producer) he shared with us the history of how and why he created this video.

It all started with Ian (aka The Angry Cat) who was living with Kazzey and his flat-mates in Holloway (an inner-city district of London).  Ian is a beautiful black cat with emerald green eyes but he didn’t take kindly to strangers.  Hissing and snarling were part of Angry Ian’s repertoire when strangers approached to pet him. However, Kazzey and Ian gradually bonded and became great friends.  Ian liked to wander the neighborhood but suddenly one day he disappeared.  It was unlike him not to return in the evening.

The roommates looked everywhere, plastered up posters, checked local humane societies, etc. for weeks on end but no sign of Ian.  Months passed and still no sign of Ian.  Suddenly, six months later they got a call from a vet who had found Ian’s microchip.  Turns out that he’d been taken in by some neighbors a few blocks away and they had only then taken him to the vet.

This Cute Cat Video was Inspired by an Angry CatClick To Tweet

The boys raced over to pick up Ian and were shocked to find that he had more than doubled in weight and they barely recognized him.  Clearly the family had overfed him, but otherwise he was happy and well.  Life was back to normal and Angry Ian re-adjusted quickly.  >^..^<

Months later a friend of Kazzey’s from Paris (Eric Vallee – a movie editor and musician) sent him an angry guitar riff and the two decided to create a song around it.  Kazzey immediately thought of Ian and began to wonder why was this cat always angry?  Ian certainly was spoiled and always the center of attention with guests and friends constantly coming over.  Kazzey began to imagine how challenging it might be for social media ‘superstar’ cats who are always in the spotlight when they may just crave some quiet time away from the fame and glitterati.

And viola, the Meow video began to take shape.  You’ll notice it’s full of famous Internet cats…here are some of them, how many can you spot?

Below is Ian (left) and the cover art for the Meow CD (right).

Here are a few ‘behind the scenes’ shots during the actual production.

And here’s the video…enjoy!

All images provided by Kazzay
CD art cover ​courtesy of Tresh The Sky on

Do you think famous Internet cats ever have issues with their stardom?


The post Cute Video Inspired by Angry Cat appeared first on The Purrington Post.

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The post Cute Video Inspired by Angry Cat appeared first on Cats n Things.


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