Wednesday 14 December 2016

Do You Know What Love Is and Can You Give Love?

What is love? Really, what is it? Do you find yourself asking that question sometimes? I do.

It seems to me there are many different kinds of love: family love, love for a spouse or significant other, pet love, and love for an idea.

Of course, family love would refer to the love between parents and children and other close relatives. It is fascinating how most people have this love naturally, meaning you just find you instinctively love your family. But, I have watched enough Investigation Discovery and murder mysteries to know that a few people here and there do not instinctively have this love. Some wicked folk seem devoid of love and, likewise, compassion. I recently watched an Investigation Discovery special about a woman who poisoned her husband and then tried to kill her daughter, as well. My wife recently gave birth. The idea of poisoning my own family is mind-blowing. I can only assume most people instinctively love their family while some are missing that part of their soul, perhaps from birth.

There is also love for a spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. I’ve read many theories about what creates chemistry and, in turn, love between people. Is it fate that brings people together? Is it a common interest? Common hobbies? Is it mostly physical attraction? Likely, it is a combination of all these theories. It seems to me that love between two people is like a recipe. It takes some physical attraction, common interests and a little bit of luck. There are likely some unknown factors mixed in as well that we don’t even realize. And, of course, natural hormones factor into chemistry and love between spouses. There are animal urges inside all of us that direct us to be attracted to specific types of people. However, what makes us stay with the same person in a committed relationship? Is it love or the need for stability in life? My opinion is that the need for stability is just another ingredient that goes into the love soup!

Pet love is fascinating to me. I once knew a woman who cried buckets and grieved when her fish died. Yet, many of us eat fish weekly. That said, I have a dog and a cat and think of them as members of the family. I dread the day – with hope it is a day far off – that they pass away. But, why is it some people form loving bonds with their pets and some people do not? I know some people who do not have pets and refuse to think of them as anything but creatures to be used for food or ignored. These types of people never keep dogs or cats in the house and laugh at the idea of fish being thought of as pets. My take on this type of love is that some people are naturally more prone to think of all creatures as living souls while some people only see humans as having a soul. Therefore, if you do not see dogs or cats as beings with feelings and capable of returning love, why give it? (Of course, some folks are just devoid of the ability to give love to any person or creature, such as the aforementioned woman featured on Investigation Discovery.)

The final love I wanted to discuss is the love of an idea. Granted, this is a little more philosophical, but we all know those people who love their work, music or a similar interest area. Is this sort of love really love? To many people it is a love. I remember watching an interview with Stevie Nicks and she made a comment about how she was married to her music. Obviously, to her that is a love. Many writers say they “love” writing. If you cherish something and willing engross yourself in an interest, that sure smacks of love to me. Of course, there is a fine line between loving a hobby or interest and being obsessed with it. But, obsession is a topic we will need to spend a different article discussing.

The phrase “love makes the world go around” is still true today and probably will be until the end of time. What do you love? It’s worth thinking about in the still of the night as your head hits the pillow, a breeze brushes aside your curtains and the moon shines in the night sky. Can you love? If so, what do you love? Do you know?

Source by Scott Faubion


The post Do You Know What Love Is and Can You Give Love? appeared first on Cats n Things.


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